My Story


Hello, ladies!

I feel like since I haven’t posted here on <a href="">Eve</a>, I would like to share with you my relationship story.

I met my now-ex boyfriend my freshman year of High School. We became close but didn’t feel anything more than friends until a year or so later. We held hands in the hall and showed basic intimacy before he officially talked to my parents and asked me out. Eventually, they found out and he later did ask me out. We had been together for a year or so, with God as our relationship foundation, until he started to press me for things. He used me, used our relationship, as means for his desires. He kissed me even though I told him not to until we were engaged. As the months went on, I started turning away from God and turning towards him more. Eventually, it got to a point where we started talking about having sex. God slapped me in the face and made me realize how very very wrong that all was. I told him that we needed a break so we could get back into God and His Word, but he used that time to cheat on me and later break up with me. I was heartbroken and so upset for quite a while, but God used that time to make me realize that the college I was attending wasn’t the right one to be at, and I chose to move away and pursue a college that teaches about church leadership. And here I am today.

I tell you all of this to say that your worth should not be found in a partner or a spouse. In order to find who you truly are and who God has called you to be, you must put your worth in Him. Not in what you can get out of a relationship or what you can find in intimacy. Sure, it feels great and lust can feel normal, but God designed that for the binds of marriage. If you are single like I am now, use this time to dig into God’s Word and into His Presence before starting another relationship. Make any guy that’s interested in you forced to seek and know God before he can even get to you! If you feel down and depressed like I did about not knowing when your prince will come, give your feelings and emotions to God. Let Him take them away and just spend time with Him. You will not regret it, and your future husband won’t either! Don’t give into the lie that masturbation and pornography can satisfy that desire. Only God can fill that hole in your heart if you let Him!