Positive Thoughts


So, me & my husband have been trying for 8 months now for our FIRST child. We are almost 25 & have been married 3 years. We have gone on more than 8 vacations including cruises, all inclusive, & Galveston. Not including our camping trips. So we've definitely been enjoying our time. I had the nexplanon insert for 6 months & was on the nuva ring 1 year before that & we used condoms everytime. At first it was just an "oh if it happens it'll happen" the first few months of TTC. Then it became "i need a baby NOW." Like i was tracking my ovulation with tests, putting a pillow under my butt with my feet in the air, standing on my head off the bed, no drinking alcohol, no getting in hot tubs or baths only showers, all the wives tales, etc.. Then of course, every month AF showed, my heart would break & I'd cry. Multiple people close to me, including my best friend found out they were pregnant (with their second) even when they weren't trying at all. & of course my heart broke a little more. So i stopped tracking my ovulation. I started enjoying my sleep, our extra money, our vacations of just US. We are firm believers in God. And we know he will bless us with a child, but in his timing not ours! I still struggle every single day. I work for an OB doctor...i see pregnant patients come in every day. I see people who do not deserve kids, keep having more kids. & i keep asking "why not me? I'd be an amazing mom." But God knows what he is doing. I am continuing to stay positive because that's all i can do. It just makes it hard because people are constantly asking us "when are y'all gonna have kids?" And my response is "Well, we've been trying. It's just not as easy as everyone makes it seem (with a fake smile)." & i just love the responses of "1)oh, honey you're still young, you got plenty of time. 2) Enjoy y'alls time together. 3) Don't stress & it'll happen. 4) Not in y'alls timing but in God's timing. " OF COURSE i know all of these are true, but TTC is not easy & i think people who had no issues coneiving just have no idea how not helpful those things are. But that's okay they mean well, I'm sure. I have an appointment with a fertility doctor on the 19th. Really just because i want lab work ran to make sure every thing on my side is good. Anyways last night at church the pastor called us up in front of everyone and everyone came up and prayed over my womb. They all asked God to bless us with a child. it was just an amazing, uplifting experience. I just feel in my heart.. this month is OUR month. I just wanted to share our story & let yall know im thinking of all of yall who struggle with fertility. its not an easy task to deal with. But i have this feeling itll make us a better parent than most. Peace, Love, God bless, & baby dust to you all♡