To all the women..


Who are ttc.

Who are waiting for their bfp.

Who are trying <a href="">fertility treatment</a> after <a href="">fertility treatment</a>.

Who constantly say “congratulations” to an expecting mother while they wait for their turn.

Who wonder if their unused baby clothes will ever be filled in.

Who wonder what’s “wrong” with them.

Who have cried in that Dr’s office.

Who were told there’s nothing there or worse, “There is no heartbeat.”

To all the women who just want to have their baby; don’t give up. There is hope.

I never “planned” any of my pregnancies but that doesn’t mean I didn’t love them or didn’t want them. After 4 miscarriages I was heartbroken and confused. I didn’t want to ever get pregnant again, I didn’t wanna feel that pain again. My last miscarriage was October 2015. I gave birth to my beautiful Rainbow baby October 2016. And today I celebrate his 1st birthday. I am beyond blessed to have this sweet miracle.

I’m So don’t give up ladies! Your rainbow will come after the storm 💕💕