Am confused about marriage

I need some advice. I married an old high school classmate because my parents told me that was what was best for me. I am 29 and they said that if I don't get married soon, I will be alone forever. I know this might sound weird to people but we come from a very very traditional background where arranged marriages are common. Anyway they are friends with my husbands parents and they arranged for us to get married. I'm not in love with him and I don't think I can ever be. He said he wants to try to make it work and he said he likes me. He treats me well (we honestly just act more like friends). We have never had sex and my parents and his parents found out and are very angry and upset. They keep asking when they will get a grandchild. I feel so uncomfortable. I always wanted to save my first time for someone I fell in love with. Should I stay with him because he is a good companion and can take care of me or should I leave? I feel like I will face a lot of anger from society if I leave for no reason and my parents might disown me. I can't really support myself all on my own.