Wonky Period


Hi, I'm new to Glow, my husband and I have been TTC for a month, but haven't been preventing for almost a year. I'm 21 now, but when I was 18 I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks due to developmental issues. once I was given the okay that my levels were back to normal I was put on birth control for two years. the first year I took the same pill (non estrogen based b/c of family history with cancer) when I moved to a new state my new couldn't figure out which pill I was on, and I ended up trying three different pills before I gave up because of side effects and period issues. As of November I'll have been off of them 1 year, but my periods are far from back to normal.they used to be Pretty regular within a few days, now I'll go 1 to 2 months without having one, sometimes they are really short or a full 7 days, I went and had a pap done at my obgyn and talked to her about ttc she said she wants us to try for a whole year before we dive deeper into problems I could be facing. But im getting really really frustrated. I get cramps around the time my period should show up, but then it never does. I'm not pregnant, and I'm on metformin ( 4 months now) to try and help regulate things, they don't think I have pcos. I just don't know what to do, when I do get my period it shows up randomly. I've been tested for endometriosis and tilted uterus and don't have either. does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I know I'm "still young" but we really really want to start a family and I feel like I'm holding us back and my dr wont help until after a year.

thank you.