Interracial couple advice!!


I've been thinking a lot lately about the relationship I have with my fiancé.

I'm white, he's Burmese (dark Asian) and there is never a time when we are out in public that I am not aware or at least made to feel aware of the fact that we're interracial.

When we're alone it's just us in our own little bubble and it's wonderful. When we're out in public, either just going for a walk or eating at a restaurant etc but not being overly affectionate there's no real response from others - we could just be unlikely/unusual friends after all.

However, when we're out in public and he's holding my hand or he kisses me, I feel this overwhelming pressure of watching eyes and judging thoughts from other people. I know I shouldn't let it affect me but it does because I've never experienced anything like it before.

I find it particularly troublesome when people look at our clasped/interlocked hands and then look at me like I've chosen beneath myself or that there's something wrong with me simply because my partner is darker and I'm very stereotypically white (blonde, blue eyes, tall).

It makes me so angry that there is still such deep-rooted racism in the world but as a white and therefore inherently privileged person I've never experienced this kind of race-related or interracial relationship derogation before and would really like to hear other people's opinions and experiences.

Is it different when you are the PoC and your male partner is white/Caucasian? Do you experience similar things or different kinds of judgement?

I love my fiancé so much and none of these external judgements will ever change that, we walk down the street holding hands with our heads held high but it is definitely a topic people don't seem to discuss openly enough despite the fact that the percentage of interracial relationships are increasing across the world.

So yeah, I'd just like to open a dialogue really and get some other input, especially as this is all from my (a white woman!) perspective so I may not even be getting the full judgement that others have experienced!

My fiancé doesn't talk about it but I know it bothers him by the looks we get and even friends of friends asked him when we first started dating why he's dating a white woman/does he need my money etc. So many stigmas!

Here's me and my future hubby (he's exceptionally beautiful! 😍 haha!)