How do you handle getting blamed?


I find my husband blames me for quite a lot, the truth comes out and no apology. Example: I was out volunteering Saturday, heading home at 5pm. Hubs texts me if there's anything he should start for dinner, I wrote back with mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn (leftover turkey dinner). I get home, he's still on Xbox, nothing on the stove. I started the fixins, he commented that he didn't know what my plans were. I said, "You didn't get my message?". His response was, "I wrote and asked, but YOU never answered." He picked up his phone and saw the message on the lock screen, smiled and said "this thing didn't buzz". Yesterday, I was on the toilet a lot (bad milk in my cereal), he started to go too. When I came out, he asked how I was doing, I felt better, he commented that maybe I'll learn not to use bad milk. Yep, lesson learned. He went in, came out after some time, said it was his third trip, mentioned the milk. I said, "That's odd, you didn't have any of my milk." He said he had the KD I made. I apologized. After a minute, I remembered that I didn't use milk, just butter. He said, "Then I don't know." I don't always need an apology, but he could at least not jump to blaming me right away.