

I've been on Clomid for two rounds (50mg then 100mg) and before my third round I was waiting for AF. I was due to start September 27th. My doctor told me if I didn't start to call him and he would order a blood pregnancy test. So backing up a few days, I started having brown tinged mucus discharge but only when I wiped starting Thursday the 28th through Sunday October 1st. I have mild cramping on and off and I am super bloated. Additionally, my breasts are sore but still no period. I called my doctor and had a blood draw this morning. I haven't gotten the results and as impatient as I am, I took a urine pregnancy test this evening and got a BFN :( I don't understand! I feel it like I actually feel like I'm pregnant. Could it be took soon being only a week late? I'm so tired of getting my hopes up! ☹️