⭐️ Long read, but need induction advice! 🆘


Okay so, I was scheduled to be induced on Wednesday morning (October 4th) at 5am. However, Tuesday night around 8pm, the hospital’s labor & delivery department called and said that, at the moment, they were super busy and had no open beds, and told me to call back at 3am to make sure they had a bed open for me.

I called at 3am, was told they still had no beds but to call back at 5:30. Called back at 5:30, was told to call back at 8:00. I played this game with them until around 2:30, when we decided to just go to the hospital to see what was going on, what I should do if they couldn’t get me in that day, etc.. While at the hospital, I met a very friendly and helpful nurse who actually was able to get some answers for me, where I was told that there were still no open beds, but because I was scheduled for 5am that morning I was at the top of the list and I would be called the very moment a bed became available. She said it would be at least 4 hours, so to go home and get some rest and just keep my phone close. So that’s what we did. I waited until about 8pm to call one last time for the night, and they said they still had no open beds, but assured me that they would call no matter what time it was.

To say that we were disappointed and discouraged would be the biggest understatements.

So yesterday morning, I nervously called the hospital for an update around 8am. The nurse I spoke with was very matter-of-fact with me and said she was going to sit down with the doctors soon to make an induction schedule because they had fallen so far behind, and explained that the inductions would go in order of 1) women being induced for medical reasons; 2) women being induced for being overdue 3) women being inducted electively, and because I fall under #3, I would not in fact be called first. Which I totally understand, emergencies come first, that’s cool and all, but why is it that I spoke to SO many different nurses and no one explained that to me before? Why was I told in person that I was at the top of the list to be called when a bed became available?

Has anyone else had this happen? What can I do here (besides try to be patient)?

*Also a little more about me, I’m 39+2, my doctor recommended induction due to baby measuring almost 3 weeks ahead, you’d think that’d be considered a medical reason, right?