1st round Letrozole 2.5mg

Christina • Mom of 1 sweet girl! ❤️💗❤️

This is my 1st round of Femara/Letrozole 2.5mg I took it 9/24-9/28 got my + opk 2 days ago on 10/4..we BD’d quite a bit this cycle and also used pre-seed & the menstrual cup during the fertile window..hubby and I have been trying for 7 months this cycle and I am PRAYING 🙏 that this is our month!!! I feel really good about this cycle with all the success stories using Femara! I have normal cycles usually 26-28 days long and ovulate on my own so Dr prescribed Letrozole to improve the quality of ovulation...who is with me this cycle!?!


Tell me your success stories using Femara ladies I need some positive vibes and hope for this round!!! Baby dust to all of you sweet girls!! ❤️❤️❤️