Where you live, do you believe cats should be indoor or outdoor cats? (TW animal death)

Thomas O`Malley • When you feel the last bit of breath leaving their body, you're looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God! Hunt for the sake of hurting - hurt to understand. When mosquitos bite me, they fly away singing "There is power in the blood!"

On the Nextdoor app in my neighborhood people have really been going at it about this whole indoor/outdoor cat debate situation. The reason it was sparked was because in the past month we've had 40 people post about their lost cats and we have a major coyote/hawk problem here, so we're thinking that they're not all "lost". People are also getting pissed that their neighbor's cats are using their flower beds as litter boxes LOL. Some people are also upset about the killing of birds/chipmunks/etc.

Many years ago before this debate began I lost my own cat to a coyote and verified it with a security camera. After this I've never owned an outdoor cat again because where I live it's too risky (especially with people also driving 60mph on 25mph roads all day and we live right by a major interstate) and I am still sad that I was never able to retrieve even a piece of his body for burial. As I speak I am getting ready to go pick up a cat on the side of the road and bury it even though it isn't mine (got hit by a car it seems), will take it to a vet first though and scan for a chip.

However, I know some people live in less populated areas where their outdoor cats might have a better chance. So, what type of area are you living in, and do you think cats in your area should stay inside, outside, or a mix of both? Or do you think cats should be indoor or outdoor only regardless of area?

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