Could I be pregnant again? Just had my baby!

Lauren • Jersey Mama to Faith 💖 Asher 💙 and Hudson 💙

My fiance finished inside me by accident the day after my period ended. The last period I had was my first post partum. So we had the unprotected sex on cycle day 6. When we were TTC I tracked my ovulation with OPKs, temping and checking cervical mucus. I got pregnant with my son and I ovulated on cd 13 then. My cycles are anywhere from 25-29 days. Since I dont know if and when I ovulated this time (not tracking) would it be possible to get pregnant from unprotected sex the day after my period? How long can sperm stay alive inside you? Ive read 5 days tops. I am worried but not too much because we had sex so close to the end of my period, not ovulation? Advice please!