Possible hpv

NOTE: THIS POST IS FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE HPV. So please scroll on negative Nancy's.

NOTE 2: I have a dr appointment set up so I'll be getting stuff looked at bc I have a bump down their.

So short story my husband was my first in 2009. Then we broke up and I did a stupid thing had sex with someone else unprotected. So two guys total both unprotected 😅🙈🤦🏼‍♀️They both had sex before me so who knows what. So got back together in 2010 been together ever since. Happily married and two kids Anyways

My husband had hand warts( yes I know these cannot be passed to my vagina) but I read it's a strain of hpv.

So My question is if that's a strain of hpv could I have gotten hpv from him even though those can't be spread if he touched me with them? Could it have turned into a different strain for me? Or someone had hpv and gave it to either guys and neither have symptoms. Or can other infections cause hpv if the other two don't have it?

Keep in mind people I am going to the dr so I'm just curious and just asking people who have seen a dr for theirs.