A birthday I don't want to celebrate 😓


AF showed up today, which means it's now been a year that I've been TTC.


Where did the time go?!

Twice, I've felt things happen in my body that I did not even know I could experience. Twice, I really hoped this time would be the right time, even though I can't help but hope that AF won't show up even if I don't "feel different". But no, no BFP.

Is there something wrong with me? Or does Mother Nature just take time? Those are the questions I am left with at the end of each new cycle.

Sorry, I just wanted to get this off my chest as I haven't told my friends or family that we are TTC. I know some of you ladies have been trying for longer, and I really admire your strenght.

Wishing you all baby dust 😉

And now to the new cycle!