Missing my friends

Not sure what room this goes in. But anyways

I’ve had a Camp with my family for the last like 15 years and we have friends up there that we have known for just as long. It was me and my brother and not even joking like 10 other kids our age that we grew up with up here and we were like another family during the summer. But as everyone’s growing up they’ve stopped coming up to the camp and I really miss all of them. They live in other states than I do as well and I haven’t seen some of them in like 4 years. Every time its the end of the camping season I get really sad cuz I remember all the good times we had and I feel like that’s ending cuz as of this year everyone’s in college besides me (junior in high school) and I only am able to keep in touch with one of them.

And when it is during the summer some of them come up only 3 times a year at most.

I’m at the age where I’m starting to not go up either cuz now I’m starting to actually get a better social life with parties and stuff and I think that’s the reason people had stopped coming up when they got to my age a couple years ago.

I wonder if we will ever see each other again at the same time and play hard core card games and man hunt at 2 am. Or wiffle ball filled with shaving cream, watch fireworks on the side of the high way @ Fourth of July, or have huge sleepovers and swimming trips were we piss of the other side of the lake by raiding there privileged ass beaches and docks 😂😂.

I just want to see everyone again at the same time as least once more cuz we seriously had some frickin awesome memories and I was blind sided with this whole thing of people not coming up anymore. And to make things worse I think one of the girls (the glue of our group) is gonna be leaving the camp ground within the next couple years.

And I cant hangout with people outside of the campground cuz again we live so far away and I’m barely at the age where I can party and drink with them (cuz that’s what the do now) but damn this is crap.

Ok nobody’s gonna read this cuz I wrote too much but it’s good to write this down. If u did happen to read this all then so I think we will see each other again? Do u think people will eventually start to come back up to Camp?