In laws don't respect bedtime or baby's personal space


Hey all! I'll make this as brief as possible. My MIL used to really dislike me when my husband and I started dating. Almost 7 years and a baby later, we are FINALLY on pretty good terms. But now I am always afraid to stand up to her because I don't want her to go back to disliking me. Our son just turned 1 and has never been a good sleeper. We have finally gotten him on a schedule and in his own room. I understand most people eat dinner later, but my in laws ALWAYS invite us to eat half an hour before my son's bedtime. We end up staying until at least an hour past his bedtime and the rest of the night is always a nightmare. When he doesn't get his bedtime routine and go to sleep on time, he ends up waking up a LOT. He gets cranky and the ask fifty times what's wrong with him and I'm like "He's tired! He was ready to go to bed when we got here." They know this and they refuse to ever eat earlier and get offended when we don't come. My MIL also physically removes my son from my arms so she can cuddle him when he doesn't want to go to her. He'll get upset, turn away from her and hold onto me and she'll just pry him off. I don't know what advice i'm asking for, maybe I'm just venting. But would this bother you? How do I deal with this without getting into an argument?