38 weeks and already 8+ lbs


I’m dying over here. Will be 38 weeks tomorrow and per my ultrasound today, this baby is in the 82nd percentile for growth and already weighs 8+lbs!! I go to a practice where I have to see a diff doc every week. Last week’s doc said I was 1cm dilated, 0% effaced but that I could have an elective induction at 39 weeks if everything was favorable by then. She is who ordered the ultrasound to measure. This week’s doc said not

dilated at all, 50% effaced and that elective inductions aren’t allowed AT ALL for first time

moms-has to be medically necessary. My ultrasound today revealed that he is a giant at 38 weeks and yet there are no plans to induce until *maybe* my due date (10/21) which terrifies me. Does this seem normal or should I ask more
