Frustrated and need to vent


I am so frustrated and exasperated by this process. I really want to stay positive but I am just feeling broken today. I am in the process of my second “chemical” pregnancy, I have gone through 3 IUIs which have now had 2 “chemicals pregnancies” plus 2 months of Clomid with no <a href="">IUI</a>. I am 38, no known medical issues, husband is 46 and totally healthy (good sperm). We had a MC last year in October at about 6 weeks after conceiving naturally. I am starting to really feel like I have NO good eggs left. I am so incredibly sad. This journey is truly exhausting. My friends try to be encouraging but none of them seem to really understand how this feels...they all have a one or more children. If one more person tells me we can just adopt (which is actually really hard from what my research shows) I am going to flat out lose it. My husband is lovely and always positive, which almost makes me feel worse on the inside because I feel like I am failing him. Thanks for letting me vent, my heart is breaking into a million pieces today and I just sometimes feel like I have no place to turn. Wishing all the best of luck to everyone on these boards with there journey to conceive. It certainly isn’t easy for me.