My Secret Sugar Daddy (Update)


Okay, I honestly did not think I was going to get much from my post about my sugar daddy but I’m so glad I did! It’s not something you’d just tell friends and family...if you have my friends and family 🙃

Anyway, the night we used the toys 🤤 was amaaaaaZing! He got me a dildo, a vibrator, cuffs, this spanking stick ❤️ and then a separate dildo thing that has a vibrator idk what to call it. We had sex all night, literally until it was time for me to get ready for work.

That was Monday.

Yesterday my car (a beautiful Jeep 💔) went out completely so he got me another one.

I told I needed something that look like I can afford it on my own, nothing too flashy. It’s a beautiful Honda 🌹