I need a viral hug and advice...💔

I am a single mom because my baby was conceived by abuse. That didn't stop me from loving my baby and having him. The worst situation isn't this but the situation at home. I'm 26 and I am living at home with my mom and my only sister who's 16. My dad lives in another country because he wanted to stay away from my cheater/toxic mother. So, ever since I've been pregnant my dad use to live with us he was the only person who was very supportive of me to help me through my pregnancy with everything. After a month my baby was born we caught my mom cheating. Of course my dad left the house and moved far far away from her. My pregnancy experience was horrible due to my symptoms yet sad because of the way my mom and sister were to me. My mom started putting me down in a lot of ways as if she saw me like a failure for getting raped and pregnant, she treated me with hate and disgust. My sister was the same to the point she would treat me like her house maid and throw food in my face while pregnant and push me if I was in her way. I was going through a horrible situation and trauma due to being a victim of rape and my pregnancy symptoms made it worse. Point is my baby is now 9 months my sister has tried hitting me several times while I've had my baby in my arms but never when I'm alone. And when she's tried hitting me I've defended myself by hitting her back which I call self defense and then as I find opportunities I go and lock myself with my baby for safety. Thing is today it got to extremes she went on to almost kill me with a knife. And I made the decision of finally moving very very far next month because now I have enough money to actually do it. And if you're wondering why I didn't before it was cause of this. And I'm very afraid to move to another state where I don't have family just my best friend. I feel so sad right now but I'm staying strong for my baby. My question is has anyone ever been through a situation similar and when you moved out how did it go? Was your life better? Because that's what I'm afraid of my life being worst, I'm afraid of the world at this moment. Guys I need girl support and a viral hug!

Edit: I have reached out to my dad who's far away in another country and he suggested I do the same as him and move out here. Which I will in November officially.

By the way I'd be moving to another state because my best friend of 10 years lives in another state and suggested we become roommates so it's easier on me financially.

Liberating myself from them will be hard but the best decision.

Thank you so much beautiful girls! God bless you all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️