The Hubs with the Flubs

Theresa • 💐• 36, married• FTM, pregnant with our baby girl• Cat Mama to 12 rescued fur babies🐱• Baby dust to all✨💫🌟💓!

Greetings, ladies! I’m super-bummed because I’m expecting AF on Monday, and keep getting BFNs. We tried PreSeed this month, for the first time; however, OB says I’ve got decreased ovarian reserve (owing to my age—36), and I’ll be starting Clomid on Day 5 of this upcoming cycle. Long story short: I try my darnest to not get my hopes up, but it never works 😔. Which brings me to why I’m posting tonight: I thought all of us could find some humor in stupid stuff our hubs/SOs have said! Mine is a GENIUS when it comes to timing, and wording! His two best-to-date: when we first began trying to conceive, and I was knee-deep in research because I was worried about my age (and rightfully so, as it turned out), he says “You’re trying to force it, don’t force it, it’ll happen when it’s supposed to” (oh really? I’m “forcing” it? Why don’t you repeat that, just one...more...time—say it again), and his second best-to-date came during some BAD PMDD, right before our wedding: *me, sobbing, “Why do you want to marry me,” *him, without flinching, “Why, not?” Yep, that’s MY man, and I couldn’t be more proud 😜😂👫💓! Let’s hear em’, ladies! What’ve your SOs said that made you want to hit em’ with a Nerf bat? Baby dust to all ❤️❤️✨💫🌟!!