Nell • Army wife🇺🇸2 year old son & baby on the way! 👶💍💕

So I was very excited for my appointment today because I thought it was my 20 week and was going to find out the sex. As I'm checking in at the doctors I realize it's just a check up!

Man I was bummed but I asked my doc to do an in room ultrasound & she said yes! She said she doesn't normally because it is so hard to tell the sex & she doesn't like to be wrong..anyways she did one & baby was doing summersaults the whole time but at the end she pointed to a part & said it could be a boy! Now I am soo curious what it is!! I will find out for sure on Tuesday since she couldn't get a straight answer.

What do you guys think it is?! I have a 2 year old son and I will be happy with either.

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