Questions for preemie mums

C 🖤
Hi lovelies.
Im currently 32+6 and my waters broke roughly 33 hours ago. I've stayed overnight at the hospital and have had no contractions, just some mild cramping that wasn't cause for concern. As of about 15 hours ago I wasn't dilated at all and was just leaking fluid fairly consistently but slowly. As of about 12 hours ago, the scan showed that there wasn't a great deal of fluid left but baby still looked healthy. 
This morning I've been feeling absolutely fine with no cramping. I tried to eat breakfast about 3 hours ago but didn't get very far as cold chewy toast isn't really my thing, but I've been feeling pretty nauseous since. I noticed some light pink mucous on my pad about 90 minutes ago and it's getting gradually worse- since then have had three period like cramps that lasted roughly 45 seconds each and were 20/30 minutes apart. Am I starting to dilate?
Just wanted to know what happens if I do go into labour this early? I haven't lost (or noticed) my mucous plug and they were pretty set on sending me home if nothing progressed. Are they likely to still send me home to wait it out there until contractions are more significant, or will I have to stay in the hospital?
Also if I do give birth this early on, do I stay in the hospital with my son or go home while he is kept in? How long is he likely to be kept in if born at 33w? 
Sorry for all of the questions, just trying to wrap my head around all of this! 
Thanks x