to sell or not to sell

so I'm currently expecting our second baby. our daughter is now 14 months. I firmly believe this is a boy, but it it's a girls we'll still be happy and this will still be our last child.

my husband is very set in his beliefs. he is one of those men who firmly believe that girls wear girl clothes and nothing resembling something boyish and vice versa. so the big things like cot, car seat, baby gym and stroller are gender neutral although we'll get a new carseat for our daughter.

i think very practical - if we're not gonna use it, get rid of it. I kept most of her clothes and all her toys because my husband asked me to, but I feel like the bigger things like the rocker and bath chair can be sold to replace them with new ones for our son. my husband refuses to use it if we're having a boy, but also doesnt want to sell it. He doesnt give me a reason and honestly I feel it takes up way to much space.

I'm wondering how other parents solved this "problem". did you sell all the girly baby toys like the very pink rocker or the pink bath chair etc, or did you decide to keep it just because? if you did keep it, please feel free to share your reason because I really do want to understand.