Maybe something is starting to happen?

Taylor • Slay your own dragons, Princess. ❤️

I had what I assumed was my bloody show yesterday morning about 0530. I have been seeing bits and pieces of brown, mucusy discharge ever since off and on. Well last night I was woke up with mild, but uncomfortable menstrual like pain accompanied with lower back pain. It was not excruciating or anything but definitely new and did come in waves that were pretty frequent.

This morning when I woke up they had kind of subsided but I'm slowly starting to feel crampy again. It's not coming in waves, but more of a consistent menstrual cramp and a constant feeling I need to have a BM.

Obviously this isn't the real deal yet, but wondered if anyone else had this before they went into actual active labor? I'm almost 38 weeks and at my last appointment I was over 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced.