PSA: if you suspect someone is pregnant, DON'T ASK!


I'd like to make a public service announcement/ rant 😂 if you notice someone isn't drinking alcohol, or maybe isn't feeling well and therefore suspect they're pregnant, DON'T SAY, "are you pregnant?" If they were pregnant and wanted to tell you, THEY WOULD!! I'm 8 weeks and we decided to wait until 10 weeks to tell family and 14 weeks to tell the world. I've been going about my normal life but when we go to an event or party with family/friends/colleagues, I just don't have any alcohol. People can suspect what they want, but after struggling with infertility and loss, I don't feel comfortable telling people until later. Well people are still rude and ask... and I lie and say no but it puts me in a really uncomfortable spot. So from now until 14 weeks, I have to avoid any social events because people don't have the decency to respect that there's a reason I'm not telling them I'm pregnant. Ok, end of rant!