Going crazy...

Shandra • Married mother of 2 boys--15 yo and 4 yo; Fourth Grade ELA/SS 👩🏻‍🏫

I feel like I’m going crazy. We have gone through formula after formula trying to figure out which one works for little man. Right now, we are trying soy.

So far, things are looking better, but I am obsessing about everything! How much he’s eating, whether or not he has pooped, and I can’t seem to stop!

He is 6 weeks on Tuesday, and typically finishes a 4 oz bottle. Sometimes he will still be hungry and drink an extra ounce, but it’s not consistent enough to justify moving up to the bigger bottles yet. And every so often he will pull drinking a 2.5 oz and fall asleep. On average, he is drinking about 24-25 oz every 24 hour period. Is that okay? Or should he be drinking more? His last visit to the doctor, which was this past Thursday, he was almost 11 lbs.

I just wish things were consistent so that I can stop worrying about it! 🤦🏻‍♀️