Pretty sure I’m pregnant

I’m on birth control but I don’t take it 🤷🏽‍♀️it makes me feel weird and makes my period heavy super heavy my SO and I have been having sex w/o condoms or any other method to prevent pregnancy I’m afraid to test Bc he doesn’t want anymore kids and I think it only fair that I get my baby when he just recently got his ex pregnant after my miscarriage i kno he gonna flip 🙄 no this is not like no competition between me and her I’ve always wanted a baby and he’s my “MAN” why can’t i his “WOMAN” keep our baby 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤔

*most definitely don’t feel as if I’m owed a baby it mite sound like that but I was told I can have a baby when the times right I’ve told him multiple times that I’m done with birth control he cheated and I can’t change that but I also can’t change the fact that I love him and that I want us to work I want to have a baby from him Bc if how he takes care of his children from his previous relationship he really doesn’t miss a beat call me stupid or submissive but he’s the only guy I’ve been wit since I was 15 when we took a break for 3 years or so he got his baby mother pregnant we weren’t together so I took him back we’re planning on moving in March to bigger place anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️