Is it just me? 😢💔


So just a little background i had the mirena for about 5 years. ive had a few chemical pregnancies and ive been ttc for awhile. i think ive let ttc consume me completely. AF is 5 days late and a few days before AF was due i got somr cramping and spotting. also right now my breast are ridiculously sore. today i tested and got a BFN. it put me in a funk... im sad. like a sad ive never felt before. ive been sleeping most of today and the minute my SO even raises his voice a little or we have a regular dumb disagreement i just feel like im gonna fall apart. am i the only one this emotional? i dont really want to talk to him about it cause i feel like in bei over emotional. Am i? This is so weird for me cause usually we are able to talk about everything and anything. is it normal to be this emotional when ttc?