My TWW with a BFP at the end!

Mags • Veteran & military spouse. Obsessed with our dog and our cat is an asshole.

Hey ladies,

Since I relied on these messages when I was in the dreaded TWW, I thought I’d share :)

TTC for 2.5 years

Polyps found last Spring and finally removed in June.

Sllliighhhtttllyy elevated prolactin at 27-29 with a confirmed prolactinoma through MRI, but doc has no intention of dealing with it (yay, TriCare...). Grumble.

Started Femara in August.

We used Fermara from CD 3-7, this was the second month of taking it.

<a href="">IUI</a> after I popped hot on an OPK at the Walter Reed ART (husbands military).

—their ART leaves a LOT to be desired to be honest, but it’s a military base, so what can you do? And it was only $167. Just don’t expect warm waiting rooms and timely service. They are apparently efficient as my current BFP would attest to!



First week:

-not a damn thing

Second week:

-chest, jaw, forehead, cheek, and under my nose all simultaneously got a zit. I don’t break out and this was BAD.

-brain farts constantly, I could not make words work in my favor!

-swollen gums

-DRY CM! Was not expecting that. There was a day with a little moisture, but then back to dry.

-day before my period my boobs started to ACHE and laying on my stomach was a no go.

—they usually ache for a week before cycle starts.


*POS one day before my missed period (day 27) and there wasn’t even a hint of a line.

*POS morning of missed period (day 28) and there was a hint (and my subsequent freak out!!)

*POS second day of missed period (day 29) and that thing popped hot so damn fast that I was in shock


My dog could care less, but my husbands 11 month old hound can’t cuddle with me harder than he is right now!

Occasional seconds of nausea, but pass quickly.

Getting up to pee in the middle of the night which I never do.

Good luck!!!!!

This was our first ever ++ so fingers crossed that he’s a sticky lil monster ❤️

Day 28

Day 29

Snuggle monster