I’m sure I’m pregnant, S.O not happy


My period has been all fucked up, and I wasn’t sure if I was really late or my stressing just throwing it off wack. Well I’ve been pregnant twice before and thought I knew what it felt like to be preggers. I’ve be nauseous yet no throwing up. I’ve had sharp pain in my lower abdomen. And kinda just had a gut feeling with no real symptoms. A week ago I took a test, negative. Didn’t bother me, I then though where the fuck is AF? And moved on I got that feeling to test again last night, it’s mine and my SO anniversary, he was working, so I took another test. Ladies I’m telling you it is the faintest of lines... I took one last night and this morning, both the same type of line, I will take another one in a few days to make sure, but I had to really look to see that line. Anyways SO gets home, gives me flowers, tells me happy anniversary, I give him his card, and a small gift, then tell him I have a surprise for him.... couldn’t get the words out, and he says “you’re not pregnant right?” I was silent. Then showed him the test. We were not trying at all. He’s trying to take it all in. We have three girls both from previous marriages. Idk really how to feel. I think God intended for this to happen, I was on the pill so it must be God will. Just hope he feels better after the initial shock. 😰🙃