
Okay, so I’m 17 and my boyfriend and I we never use protection, I was on birth control 3 weeks ago so for all those times of unprotected sex we used the pull out method and I understand the risks of doing that. Okay now, I got on the nuvaring about 3 weeks ago and this past Thursday 10/5/17 Friday 10/6/17 he didn’t pull out. Now the nuvaring is supposed to come out every 3 weeks and be off the 4th and have my period. Well it was supposed to come out the 10/6/17 day and i took it out because I was in pain after sex and put it back in later on 10/7/17 forgetting that I’m supposed to leave it out and I just realized last night that I wasn’t supposed to do any of that when I checked my calendar to see when I can come off of it and now I’m sitting here freaking out and i don’t know what to do. And not to mention my period is 8 days late Can someone please give me some advice?