Young Marriage


So I was wondering if anyone had stories about young marriage in the military. I know it's pretty common, and I know the process you have to go through. I'm 19, and my boyfriend is 24, and we're both in the army. He's active duty, and I'm reserves, we met during AIT(no judgement please lol). Right now, we're long distance and I'm looking at moving to be closer to him, and also to go to school, because he just so happened to get stationed right next to my dream school, and now that I'm in the military, I can afford to go there. We want to get married, but we both realize that I'm pretty young, and so far we've only been dating for 5 months. We both feel ready to get married, but because of my past relationships, I think I want to wait until we've been dating a year to get married. I know that is still not very long to know someone before marriage, but as I said, we both are very much in love, and feel as though we would be able to make our marriage last. However, I do know that many people do get married without dating for very long, especially in the military.

Another plan would be to get married in January, since I would be able to transfer to school there, we could elope so that we can live together and save up money for a proper wedding in the summer.

I guess I'm just looking for stories about other couples that have gone through this, with age and time dating being a factor. Thanks!