Makes me so frustrated!!!


So lately I've been feeling pregnant, I've had every symptom in the book!! I've been have really bad cramps and pressure in my lower back and lower part so I went to the ob Friday, which they did a pee test (neg) and also did and blood test. I continue to have this pains and despite of the result to the pee test and waiting on the blood results due today, I went ahead and took a home pg test yesterday am, low and behold a vfl i couldn't believe it, well I could, because I knew deep down that I was pg!! so yesterday afternoon i took another pg test and the line was still there a little darker this time!! So I woke up this morning to do another one to see if the line has gotten darker and there it was still not all the way dark but way darker then yesterday's!!! All my emotions started going everywhere.... so I been sitting here waiting for my ob to call with the results, and no call, so I decided to give them a call because I'm so scared with these pains

I am having. I left my info blah blah blah and the nurse called me back!!!! And guess what a big fat Negative!!!!! 😔 I don't understand why??? So I explained to her that I have received 3 positive pg test each time more darker then the one before!!!! She then said I'm going to talk to your doctor and call you back😒 I really wanted to see if anyone has had this happened to them that the blood test was negative but they was really pregnant and everything was ok?? I'm so scared,confused and worried 😩 sorry so long