TWINS! 😍😍🎊🎊


Meet the Wares Twins!! Two years ago we went to our families Christmas. My husbands cousin was fostering a 5 week puppy! The entire night this puppy was in my arms or sleeping on my husbands lap! They planned to adopt her and we wanted her so bad! Fast forward a couple of weeks they couldn't keep her! We brought her home immediately and she has been our baby! (We knew we wanted to be married 2 years before trying, so to help with the want we wanted a puppy!) this is Meeya Dawn

When we officially adopted her, we learned she had an identical twin sister/ litter mate! We wanted both of them but sadly her sister was spoken for by her fosters πŸ’”! We didn't tell anyone about her sister other than we almost got two puppies. Fast forward to December 2016! My best friend text me a photo of a dog that was identical to Meeya Dawn. She said "OMG, this is Meeya's twin! They look identical!" When the photo came through, my heart dropped and I looked at my husband in tears! Her sister was given back to the shelter by her fosters! They said she was too "Wild" couldn't be "taught", and was "food aggressive"! I called the shelter (it was the same shelter we got Meeya from, and the same woman we dealt with who confirmed it was her sister!) the stupid ass fosters, beat her, starved her, and abused her. She was 50lbs and she should've been 80 like her sister! My heart was so shattered when we met her! She was so timid, wouldn't get near my husband, and hid behind my legs with her tail tucked the ENTIRE time! The shelter stated her foster had 8 fosters and they would put ONE bowl of food out and they had to fight for their own food! (This is why they said "food aggressive")! Fast forward to today. Mya Lea is 80lbs, the sweetest baby on earth, loves her daddy more than life, loves her Momma to the moon, loves her sister beyond anything, she has never been wild, she knows every command in the book, and she is NOT food aggressive. I can put a treat between both their mouths and they will chew until they touch and basically half it! Meet Mya Lea, our precious baby.

Our twins are our babies. They mean the entire world to us! They are our pride and joy and will be the best big sisters soon! Our second anniversary is October 24th! They are so good with all of our nieces and nephews and love babies!! God has blessed us with these two perfect babies so I just thought I would share some shots I took tonight while I had my camera out! 😍😍😍