Adventures in peeing on a stick

Alessandra • Mommy to two boys and wife to an amazing man

Or should I say in a cup...?

Thought your guys might need a laugh this morning!

It’s 8dpo and I thought what the heck, why not take a test? It will likely be too early and come back negative, but you like to torture yourself so go ahead!!

So I sit down, cup in hand, and start peeing. As I left the cup with the pee in it, I grab a spare piece of tp to clean it with and then proceed to spill it everywhere. All over my phone, floor, clothes and hair.

So as I sit there drenched in my own pee, I still decide to dip the stick, as if this wasn’t a big enough sign not to test today. But no, I still do it.

And guess what? I got a big fat BFN. Shocker, right?

I wish I could blame the pee in my hair on my 2 year old son, but nope, he was in his crib.

Here’s hoping you all have a clean testing morning! And lots of BFPs!!!!