am I wrong?


so my fiance works very well paying job. saved over 2000 a month but he is complaining I went to a beauty school and got. manipedi done for $13, but he spends $60 on a new game and then spends $5 Here and there on the game and leaves work when ever he wants and goes and buys lunch. I don't ever buy anything without talking to him first except i bought a pair of panrs bc I am month pp and I can't fit into any of my clothes other then pj pants bc i gained 70lbs while pregnant. our plain is to move home in 5 years and everything be paid for and him be a stay at home dad since he worked so hard to makem everything possible for us to have happy life. He complains about our credit card bill but everything is put on that card, all our bills, all our grocery, everything. I just don't know what else to do. I need to get my glasses again but I'm afraid to do it bc he will complain but I have our daughter to take care of and I can't drive without my glasses. but when we move go me he will want to spend money fixing his hit rod but whemn that happens I know I'll have to just deal with it. I can't e be get a $15 trim without him complaing but then complains my hair looks like shit.