um I don't even know how to go about this.


So to start off my husband and i temproraily live with his grandparents until we move out of state a few days ago my grandmother in laws friend came over and her friend has a big mouth she makes in called for comments all the time but my gil is oblivious to it lol my gil is such a nice lady she honestly means well. anyway her friend said to me that she notices I'm gaining weight mostly around my stomach and I told my husband but I honestly didn't care that she said that because I know I am because I'm pregnant lol. nobody knows I'm pregnant except my husband so he was telling his grandmother yesterdsy what her friend said so she could know that this woman is talking about her family. anyway last night my husband brought me home a chicken bacon ranch pizza it was delicious however hours later I was tossing and turning so I got up to puke. i scrubbed that bathroom like crazy so there would be no indication that I have morning sickness and also the pizza really didn't agree with me it was too greasy. his grandmother saw this morning somehow that I puked. she was going to visit my evil mil today and told her what happened because she feels concerned that I'm making myself throw up because of that comment. so my mil fakely tried to sympathise saying it's hard and she knows what I'm going through because all the eating from nursing etc... so now my gil thinks I'm bulimic my mil thinks it too and my mil tells everyone everything so basically the whole family and world will think I'm bulimic and I just don't know what to say because I can't tell them I'm pregnant just yet to be safe and my husband tried to explain to them that the pizza didn't agree with me but once and idea get a in their head that's all they believe no one can convince them otherwise. but what I don't understand is how she saw the throw up if I cleaned the bathroom well and also how did she get the idea of bulimia instead of pregnancy when she was told I was gaining weight in my belly/abdomen and throwing up lol the first thing I would have thought of was pregnancy. anyway just venting sorry for the long post.