I shouldn't have to apologize for being a parent.

Kiah • Wife and Momma. Sept 17’💗, June 20’ Autism and Auto inflammatory momma🧩🧡

I shouldn't have

To apologize for being a parent. If I choose to breastfeed my daughter I will(yes even in public, god forbid), choose to vaccinate, ask you to wash your hands before holding her ( that should be a given), not walk away in a store while holding her, not to kiss her, and not to post ascertain pictures of her on social media. THEN I WILL. I shouldn't have to apologize for how I choose to parent. I ask nicely so therefore you shouldn't get "offended". My daughter is one month old and I'm a FTM but that doesn't mean I'm not doing what I think is best for mine and my husbands child. Why do people feel the need to tell me I'm doing it wrong or get offended?? Or "well when my baby was younger I...." etc. Not your child not your problem I shouldn't feel guilty for how I parent and such. END RANT.

Also one of these people looked at me like I was crazy after I asked them to wash their hands. Why did I ask them to wash their hands? They BLEW THEIR NOSE... Then proceeded to reach out to hold my baby. Wash your freaking hands!

I will never understand why people feel the need to parent bash.