Its hard.


So I want to tell others about my depression and anxiety. I've told my mom, fiance, 2 friends and my brother and his fiance. Only two people who seem to care is my fiance and my best friend. My brother just pretty much wrote it off and says its cuz I'm 20. So I don't really want to tell others now. I feel like they'll think I'm lying or something. Or just tell me get a job what my mom would do a lot but seems to have quit since I found out. I'm a stay home mom. I would like to get a job but prefer to go to back to school but I don't have a license yet and I'm anxiety is bad with talking over the phone. My anxiety also makes it hard to text my friends since I don't want to bug them.

One good thing I was able to make a doctor appointment over the phone but my hand was so shaky and I was so worried that the lady won't understand what I was saying since I was made fun of a lot for how I talked in school.