Being in the same location as my nicu baby but I can’t go see her is eating me up inside


My baby was born at 27 weeks 5 Days. She has been in the NICU for 116 Days now. Well anyways I was so stupid today. And now I just feel really guilty!!!! So here’s what happened. I had to come up to the hospital (3hours away) to bring my son up to a dr appt. it’s been almost 5 days since I’ve seen my baby girl in the nicu. So while I was here I was going to go see her. Well anyways my son is only 20months old and the rule is you can’t bring baby back unless 2 years old(which I forgot). So when I got to the front desk they asked me how old he was,I said 2. They let me through the door. They then checked my paper work and made me leAve. I feel so stupid for saying he was 2. Because every time I get asked at the grocery store I say he’s 2. Just cause it’s easier than trying to remember which month we are on.  We just got moved to the nicu 2weeks ago and I’m still adjusting to all their rules. The last hospital we were in they let him go back and see sister. 

I just wanted to see my baby. Rules are rule for a reason, and I know that. But anyways I’m just feeling so guilty now and can’t get it off my mind that now the staff at the hospital think I will lie to go back and see my baby. When that wasn’t the intention at all...  Being in the location as my nicu baby but I can’t go see her is eating me up inside. #1sadmomma