My turn unexpectedly!!!


So yesterday I made a post about being really itchy for the past weeks and wanted to know if any other moms felt the same. I was told by a few moms to contact my OB and let her know what's going on because it could be Cholestasis. My doctor ordered some lab test for me to take to day. As I get to the lab they sent me away saying that I had to fast for 8 hours. My OB was very upset about that because she called and spoke to the lab director and got the go ahead to still do the test on me. So around 5pm she called and said that she would rather be safe than sorry and told me to go into L&D; at 7pm to be induced 😲😲😲. So here I am! Hopefully my son will be here sometime tomorrow! Wish me luck Ladies! I'm currently on my second dose of cytotech.