So I love this story...

So back on September 15th when I found out I was pregnant, I had literally given up hope. I had gotten a + at 9-10DPO with my other 2 pregnancies and here I was at 14DPO with no symptoms except sore boobs which I just related to my period coming. Anyways. I had been taking cheapie tests all week and they always were negative. I’m the weirdo that keeps my ovulation and pregnancy tests in a journal. So I got home from work on the 15th and just peeked at my journal to make sure it was still negative because I wanted to stop my progesterone so my period could come.... I look at this test and it had a dried line... I was like. Okay this could be an evap... I’ve gotten them before with these. So I take a new one.... and it was positive! I ran to get a FRER! And it was +!

I had literally given up all hope for this month. And was preparing myself for a June rainbow baby instead of a May one.

Moral of the story is.... Life gives you the best gifts when you least expect it! This pregnancy is healthy so far... everything looks perfect. The baby had a heartbeat of 124 at 6.3 weeks.. I had previously lost 2 babies both at 7 weeks exactly back in April and June.... and I’m now 7.4 weeks! God is good!

My faint faint faint dry positive—

The retest— fresh faint positive—

The positive FRER!!!—-