Hubby Stress


I guess that maybe bc Lilith will be here in a month or so... but Hubby is driving my nuts! This is going to be his first baby and my third. Yesterday he got upset bc I am not being able to keep up with the cleaning. I really havent been able to for a long time and he always says he will help but never has. Today is money. We have enough saved up to pay for almost 2 months of bills. I told him I am going to start getting things that we didnt get at our baby shower. He was all good with it (I didnt even spend 50) till he looked at the bank account. I got a HUGE butt chewing over it. How I don't know how expensive babies are and I have to stick to a budget. (Now, he will not give me a budget. Just says spend less.) I know he must be stressing bc she is almost here. And I am the sahm so I do everything but work.... but dang, you go to the store. Pick up all your clothes you leave all over the house. You walk the dog, school stuff, birthday parties, after school activities.... Ill go back to work. This just isnt worth getting in trouble all the time.