TWW got me like...


I had what I call a successful fertile week. I caught my ovulation with OPKs and my hubby and I BD until our hearts were content.

Then the TTW starts. First I'm all chill about it. Two weeks...that's not too long. I can do it.

Not even half way through the first week the itch begins. I NEED to test. I NEED TO. Despite knowing I won't get an accurate result so early I still want to test. I NEED TO KNOW. So naturally I head to the store to pick up some HPTs like:

And what does my stupid self do? I test. And what do I get?? BFN

Shouldn't have done it. But I did. Now back to waiting. I still have a week left. The waiting is starting to get to my head. I just need to know. JUST LET ME PEE ON A STICK ALREADY.