it's been a whole year (long post)

Brodie • •Angel baby Wyatt Lee 10.12.16 •Baby #2 Gunner Lee Allan born 12.15.17 •Baby # 3- ended in miscarriage 5.20.19 •Baby #4 due 4.11.2020 •Married to my amazing husband Todd Lee 4.14.18 •Cosmetologist •Australian born and raised •Texas livin'

This time last year I was in labor at 21 weeks and 6 days pregnant. With my husband nowhere to be seen and my mum and step dad by my side every minute of every day.

I had a completely normal pregnancy, my baby was always healthy with a good heart beat and I always felt fine- aside from the light pressure I felt in my lower stomach, which I assumed normal as my boy was growing.

At 21+2 weeks On Oct 7th at 5:30pm I was having light spotting and I was told that's normal by some friends but they told me to call my nurses after hours line. Which I did.. and still to this day they have not returned my call (great Drs office right?!) which is why I chose to go to the ER since I didn't know any better.

I went to the ER and had a sono and it showed my cervix had thinned to 1cm and I was dialated to 3cm (the spotting I saw was my bloody show) I was transferred to Dallas Presbyterian (chose that hospital because of their NICU) and after they checked me out they said my water was bulging into my vagina.

They put me in a large room and I was on bed rest, I could only get up to use the bathroom and shower. On Oct 11th 10am I felt slight pains that I described as period pains. I told the nurses and she said I was dehydrated. So I drank lots of water and nothing changed. I complained throughout the whole day. Finally when there was a shift change my new nurse hooked me up to monitor contractions and nothing showed up. So I was given Tylenol. That did not help. I kept complaining they were hurting more and more and she hooked me up again and it still showed nothing. But I knew. I downloaded an app to time contractions, they were 10 mins apart lasting 50 seconds. I told her that I needed to know if these are contractions so I could call my husband (he's a lineman and was working in NC restoring power for those affected by Hurricane matthew) finally after I showed her my notes they transferred me to labor and delivery at 3am. By this time my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and i got an epidural around 5am.

My husband caught the first flight home and made it by 10am Oct 12th. The NICU staff came and talked to me and said "if you go into labor, theres nothing we can do" that alone broke my heart knowing my precious boy has no chance at life.

At 22 weeks at 1:03pm my perfect son Wyatt Lee was born 15oz and 11 1/2 inches long and he lived 27 minutes. Heartbroken, my husband and I snuggled our son all day and finally said "see you later" at 12am.

I have an incompetent cervix. I am now 30 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby Gunner Lee Allan. I had a cerclage placed at 14 weeks and I am confident we will at least make it to 37 weeks.

I am SO sorry to all you other mama's who have lost their little ones, whether it be by miscarrage, still birth or infant loss just know you're not alone. Talk about your experiences. Trust me, it helps. I think about my little Wyatt every day, and talk about him as much as possible. No it's not easy, and I havnt forgotten. I still cry.. ALOT. But dont bottle your emotions. ❤💛💚💙💜