Possibly pregnant again


Ladies, I just had my daughter on June 14th and I think I'm pregnant again... please no harsh words or anything. I'm on birth control (the pill) and we normally use condoms, but we slipped up a couple of times and got too into the moment... we will be happy if I'm pregnant again, just a little bit nervous since it's so soon after our daughter. I've been feeling really off lately and a lot like I did when I was pregnant with my daughter and they're all symptoms that I had with her before I got a positive test. I took a test Friday night and Saturday morning, and they were both negative. I noticed a little bit of blood in my cm whenever I wiped a couple of times yesterday. today, there is a little bit more blood, but it's only a light pink or brown color, never bright red. I'm not due to have my period until like Monday or Tuesday. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had implantation bleeding about 4 days before I tested positive and it was just a little bit of pink blood on my cm one time when I wiped. I know none of you can tell me for sure, but does this sound like implantation bleeding as well? There's no cramping or anything, just some discomfort around my right ovarian area, but that's it. Help!? I'm gonna test again Sunday morning unless I start my period, since it'll be 4 days since the first sign of blood.