Any tips to get babies in position?

Pamela • Son Patrick 3/6/06. Chemical pregnancy 11/2016. Baby girl/boy twins Liliana and Alexander 11/7/17

Today I am 33+4 with boy girl twins. Last week my uterus was measuring 38 weeks. I go to see my OB tomorrow but today I had my weekly appointment with the specialist. Last week baby B (boy) was in position but baby A (girl) was transverse and under my ribs. I notice this morning that it looked like I started to drop, however today Baby A was still transverse and baby B was is now breech. Due to complications early on and having polyhydramnios with baby B since 27 weeks I’ve been on modified bed rest basically this entire pregnancy but once I hit 27 weeks I was put on bedrest and told not to do anything other than get up to eat, go to the doctors or use the bathroom. I’m sleeping on a recliner and I’m not even allowed to shower unless someone else is home with me. My OB told me that if all went well today I could be taken off bedrest at 34 weeks which is Sunday. Does anyone have any tips to help them get into position? I heard walking will help and also playing soothing music close to my cervix might get them to flip. Anything else I can do?