Am I being crazy?

D • Wife. Mama. Full-time career. 1 sweet boy and boy/girl twins

Let me know what you think.... I am due with my first baby on Nov 23. I also am only able to take 6 weeks off of work so am planning on returning shortly after the new year.

My husband's family and alot of our friends live in another state, 10 hour drive or 2 hour flight. He keeps pressuring me that we need to go back for Christmas.

My thoughts are that I don't even know what to expect as a first time mom. Traveling with a 4 week old seems like a huge undertaking and I would like to get a hang of this mom thing before a big trip. He doesn't understand the big deal

At 4 weeks postpartum I assume I will still be recovering physically and emotionally as well as preparing to return to work in a week or 2 (which all sounds stressful). I understand he wants to see everyone but I feel that waiting until the baby is 3 months or so is a better idea.

Anyone have any thoughts or advice? I just want to know if I am being reasonable or of I am way off base. Thanks!!

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