He’s here!! Birth story


Baby Charlie was born at 5:10pm 10/12/17, 7lbs 10oz of perfection💙💙💙

So here’s my birth story! Warning: it’s kinda long

I staring having contractions on my due date (10/11/17) at around 6pm, but they went away so I just blew them off. Then around 9ish I was eating and noticed they had picked up again, so I started timing them. They started to get more and more intense and were like 3-4 mins apart at this point. By 11:30 they were 3 mins apart about a minute long and super painful, so I called my doc and she said to head on in to L&D.; I get there, she checks me and I’m 5cm so I got admitted! They pretty much just set me up and said they’d check in every hour and let me labor on my own, so I walked around a little, rocked on a yoga ball and later in bed til about 6am. She came in and checked me and I was 6cm so I asked for pain meds and they gave me morphine which helped just enough for me to sleep in between the super strong contractions. Woke up around 8:30 and the contractions had calmed down a bit. They checked me around 10:30 and I was about the same so they said they might want to break my water or start pitocin. Midwife came in around 12:30 to break my water, everything was good there so they said they wanted to start pitocin as well. Around 40 mins later contractions picked up again and we’re getting stronger and closer together. I kept moving from he bed to the yoga ball back to the bed. Finally I laid down in bed and they were just one on top of the other super super strongsk they turned off the pitocin. I dealt with that for a while, then asked for more morphine. At this point the contractions were so strong the morphine did literally nothing so I just trying to breath through them. After a while of that they were so intense I was just crying and trying everything I could to not scream through them, and eventually asked for the epidural. She checked me right before and I was 7cm. The anesthesiologist came right in (thank god) and got the epidural in, which did not hurt at all, the hardest part was sitting still through the contractions. When that was done she checked me again and I was at 9cm. So nurse had me lay down and rest until it was time to push. I slept for about an hour, then woke up kinda and she adjusted the bed so it was almost like I was standing to help move him down. I stayed like that for a while dozing in and out. Eventually they came in and told me it was time to push. I was pretty much numb from the epidural so I wasn’t sure if I was pushing the right way, but the midwife helped me til I figured it out. I started pushing at about 4:30 and by 5:10 he was out and on my chest, he was so perfect and so tiny. Now he’s nursing and sleeping so well l, we just love him so much💙💙